
The game namespace provides game-specific functionality, like obtaining classes, reading values and more!


namespace game

    // "TYPE" can be filled in with these types:
    // int8
    // int16
    // int32
    // int64
    // uint8
    // uint16
    // uint32
    // uint64
    // float
    // double
    // bool
    // vec3_t
    TYPE read_TYPE(uint64 address);
    TYPE write_type(uint64 address);

    // gets the position from a transform
    // will return vec3_t(0.f, 0.f, 0.f) if the transform is invalid
    vec3_t get_transform_position(uint64 address);    
    // moves the mouse to "pos" (wrapper around "mouse_event")
    void move_mouse(const vec2_t&in pos);

    // returns the position of the main camera 
    // will return vec3_t(0.f, 0.f, 0.f) if the camera is invalid
    vec3_t get_camera_position();

    // returns the base address of the module specified
    uint64 get_module_base(string name); 



Whenever calling "read" or "write" verify that the address is valid! Check if what you're reading/writing is 0 before doing an operation on it!

If you would like to use "move_mouse" for aimbot, it will need to be modified to use relative coordinates! Code for this is available online, simply google "mouse aimbot"!

"get_module_base" should only be called once at the start of your script, if you would like to obtain the base address of Combat Master's "GameAssembly" you can use "Project.dll" as the argument. (They have changed the name of GameAssembly to obfuscate the game slightly)

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