Quick Start

This is a guide for getting started with scripting for LLC

Text Editors

Choosing the right text editor is the start to your scripting journey.

Reverse engineering the game

Reverse engineering the game is very important if you want to make a well featured script. To find classes, fields, and methods you will need to use DnSPY & any available dumps. You can download this tool from the link below.

The game has protections in place against dumping the newest version of the game. Here I have attached 2 different game dumps. One is of an old version of the game, however it is able to be loaded into DnSPY. The second dump is of the newest game version, this dump was obtained using the LLC dumper which is not publicly available.

Old game dump: https://llcsoftware.club/downloads/old combat master dump.7z

Newest game dump (automatically updated): https://llcsoftware.club/downloads/game_dump.txt

Creating a script

All scripts are located in "Documents\llc_scripts". The scripts will automatically be refreshed based on any changes inside of the scripts folder. Any changes made to the script source will be reflected on a reload of the script.

Last updated